Friday, January 21, 2011

That Friday Feeling

Tuesday...Wednesday...Thursday - Friday.  Yeah for Friday. 

I teach each Wednesday and Thursday evening.  One class lasts for 2 hours, the other 2.5 hours, so by the time Friday rolls around, I am extremely enthused about having all the pressures of being ready for class and making class interesting and exciting raised off me for at least a few days or so.  Phew. 

Teaching is a lot of work.  Especially if you want to be good at it.

I think that really anything in life is like that.  Well, most anything.  That is worthwhile anyway.

My sister just left from doing several hours of laundry.  Which means I got the bathroom cleaned, my bed made, closet organized.  Her washer at home was leaking water, so I became the lovely laundromat.  I always clean when she comes over - it's just easier for me to get things done if someone is around. 

Ever since I returned from Japan - the water that empties out of the kitchen faucet hasn't exactly been clear.  While I was away, my landlady replaced the old, leaky faucet and I came home to a shiny, new, non-drip-drip-drip kitchen faucet.  Which was nice, until I turned the water on.  It hasn't changed since so I started buying my drinking/cooking water at a local gas station where you can fill a gallon up for 30 cents - osmosis water.  Sounds fancy.  That or I get my water from my bathroom sink.

2011 is the year of thrift stores.  I have decided that every article of clothing I purchase must come from a thrift store or someplace similar.  There are two exceptions: socks and underwear.  I don't think I need to explain myself here.  Two great reasons for buying thrift is 1) money savings, obviously - and 2) creativity and originality will be enhanced and challenged. 

I am going to buy some water.


  1. Ditto on the cleaning with company. If I want to get my dishes done I call someone on the phone. And one of my favorite coats is from Savers. It's a gem. Hooray for thrift!

  2. Whoa - long hours in the classroom. You, center stage, all that time, gotta be draining.

  3. Perhaps the landlady needs to revisit the faucet. Clean drinking water should be part of your expected services. If we weren't 4 hours away I would send Jared over to fix it.
