Saturday, July 10, 2010

Does anybody know

why when I pull up the page to create a new post - the icon for adding a picture is not there? In the bar there is only the options for bold, italic, a line through the word, add a link or create a block quote. Where did all my other options go!? I can't blog without pictures!!!



  1. Above the area where you post, click on "Compose" rather than "Edit HTML." I think that will solve your problem. Promise I don't stalk your blog, but this post just popped up on my Google Reader. Good luck!

  2. Claire! You save me! Thank you thank you! And I promise I won't eat all your ice cream, or cereal. Just most of it.

  3. Whoaa! What happened to your blog? Crazy. When did you change it? I expect something sort of magical to leap out at me any time through the transparent pages!

  4. Ha ha, forgot all about my teenage angst over non-family members eating our food. You are welcome to cereal and ice cream at my house anytime!
